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Wimbledon Tennis: reading and vocab match

Average: 2.5 (363 votes)

Reposting this lesson because it's Wimbledon time again!


'Game, set and match.'

"The Wimbledon Tennis Championships take place at the beginning of every summer in South-West London.

Coca Cola reading and vocabulary

Average: 3.9 (11 votes)

I don't think I know anyone who hasn't tried Coca-Cola, or 'Coke'.

One of my best friends drinks it instead of coffee to get her going in the morning!

I'm sure this is not advisable, but then again, neither is coffee.

Here is some interesting information about the beverage.

Read through it then see if you can fit the vocabulary in the correct gaps.

I've given you the meanings of the world to help you out.

Lesson by Caroline

Do you like the beach?

Average: 3.9 (25 votes)

I live in London and lead a very hectic life so sometimes it’s great to get away.

The beaches in England aren't exactly like Hawaii's, but they are beautiful and wonderful to visit and relax.

I'm very lucky that I grew up in a seaside town and can visit my parents when I need some sea air.

Here is some information about some beautiful and special beaches in England. Read through the text and test how well you understand it by putting the vocabulary in the correct gaps.

Sleeping helps you learn

Average: 3.6 (14 votes)

Well, here's a great excuse for me to continue with the mid-afternoon naps I'm so fond of!

This article suggests that sleeping can actually help us to remember and process new information.

STUDENTS: This does not mean that if you sleep in class you will learn more!!

Read the article and try and decide whether the statements below are true or false.

Lesson by Caroline Devane


Napping after learning something new could help you commit it to memory - as long as you dream, scientists say.

How do you sleep?

Average: 4.5 (20 votes)

Mmmm sleep, how I miss it!

Apparently, the position we are in when we sleep can give people an insight into our personality.

Which position do you sleep in?

Do you snore?

Read the article and try and complete the gaps with the correct vocabulary.

Lesson by Caroline Devane

English Lessons at EC

Average: 4.1 (36 votes)

'Good morning everyone, open your books, and please do all the exercises on page 43...
...and the answers are: exercise one...'

Danny's Reading: Bored?

Average: 3.9 (10 votes)

Danny's been teaching English at EC Malta for 10 years. Every month he writes us a new article. This month he tells about what he did when he was feeling bored.

What's your favourite book?

Average: 1.6 (180 votes)

It's been a while since I wrote you all a letter.

I won't say too much with this introduction.

Read through the letter and then see if you can answer the true or false questions following.

I come from a family of readers.

One of my earliest memories is sitting in my older brother's room, reading out loud and him getting annoyed with me because I didn't know how to read 'in my head' yet!

Do you love movies?

Average: 3.4 (14 votes)

Movie Buff: A person who knows a lot about movies.

Are you a movie buff? Do you know any interesting facts about movies?

I've been surfing the web, finding out some fascinating film trivia and facts about the (sometimes) glamorous world of movies!

Read through the facts and then try and put the vocabulary in the correct gaps. Break a leg!

Doing Volunteer Work Abroad

Average: 4.6 (27 votes)

What does volunteer mean?

a volunteer: (noun) a person who does something, usually helping other people, because they want to. They are not paid to do it. Volunteer can also be used as an adjective, "I'm a volunteer hospital worker. I help out at the hospital on weekends."

to volunteer: (verb) to offer to help or do something.