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Vocabulary Lesson: Drink More Water!

Average: 3.6 (27 votes)

Roughly 60 percent of the body is made of water, but how _1_ of it do you drink in a day? Although it's the best thing we can put in our body most of us are not drinking _2_.

Drinking water in either plain or in the form of other fluids or foods is _3_ to your health. Experts recommend adults drink between 8 and 10 glasses a day. Drinking coffee or soda are not included because they can dehydrate you.

So why should we drink water?

In the news: New Earth found?

Average: 4.1 (13 votes)

Astronomers have announced that they have _1_ a planet that likely exists in a temperature range where life could exist.

The new planet seen by a very powerful NASA _2_ is the most Earth-like yet found. Named ‘Kepler-438b’, it orbits a distant star in the constellation of Lyra and thought to have a landscape _3_ to Earth.

In the news: Is spicy food men's food?

Average: 3.9 (23 votes)

In your culture, is spicy food associated with masculinity? Does ordering the hottest thing on the menu make you more of a man?

A new study has revealed that men who like spicier foods have higher levels of testosterone. So basically, men who love spicy Indian curry are more manly - they have qualities traditionally ascribed to men, such as strength or bravery!

Thanksgiving in America

Average: 3.7 (26 votes)

November 27, 2014, is Thanksgiving Day in the United States.

_1_ 1863 Thanksgiving has been an annual holiday in America.

The holiday _2_ a harvest festival celebrated by the Pilgrims in 1621, and is held in the US on the fourth Thursday in November. A _3_ holiday is held in Canada, usually on the second Monday in October.

Can you find these ten mistakes?

Average: 1.6 (1516 votes)

Here are ten sentences. Each one has a mistake. What are the ten mistakes? As you read the sentences, think about grammar, spelling, parts of speech and word forms.

Write your answers in the comments area below.

1 - This trousers are too tight for me.

2 - Have you ever seeing a monkey in the wild?

3 - She's been living in London since six months.

4 - Its much colder today than yesterday.

5 - Driving in bad weather can be danger.

6 - We are begining to see more and more birds in our garden.

7 - Are their more of those biscuits?

In the news: Philae, Rosetta and the comet

Average: 4 (18 votes)

Read this news article and pay particular attention to the orange words.

Ten years ago the European Space Agency launched a robot probe called Philae. Its mission was to travel six billion kilometres and land on a four kilometre wide comet that travels 130,000 kilometres an hour.

Amazingly, the Philae probe successfully landed on the surface of the comet seven hours after descending from its mother ship Rosetta.

Movie Review: Interstellar

Average: 4.1 (20 votes)

Read this short review of the movie Interstellar. Pay particular attention to the words in bold:

Inspired by Stanley Kubrick's 2001: A Space Odyssey, Interstellar is a new science fiction movie about a team of space travellers who journey through a wormhole in search of a new habitable planet.

Is working at night bad for you?

Average: 3.3 (21 votes)

A new study has found that it is better for you to work 'normal' fixed hours, like a 9-to-5 job, than shift work, where your hours change from day to day or week to week.

The study published in the journal, 'Occupational and Environmental Medicine' found that long-term shift work can age your brain, cause memory loss, reduce processing speed and result in a decline in overall brain function.

Happy Halloween!

Average: 4.8 (13 votes)

Read through this short story. Which words do you think are missing?

Jennifer loved Halloween when she was young. One year she and her friends put on their Halloween costumes and went _1_ for sweets around the neighbourhood. That year Jennifer dressed up as a _2_ with a big black pointy hat, broomstick and long black dress.

Reading the world

Average: 3.7 (23 votes)

What are the six missing words in this text?

_1_ English journalist Ann Morgan realised that most of the books she read were by British and American authors, she decided to set herself a challenge: she would _2_ to read a book from every country in the world in English.

After creating a blog and promoting her mission on social media, she asked _3_ from around the world to recommend the books she should read.