Do you know where to put the adjective in a sentence? Follow these simple rules to help you remember:
1. The adjective comes before the noun.
"I live in a small house."
"I have a blue umbrella."
2. The adjective comes after the verb 'to be'.
"I am very tired. "
"Careful, the food is hot!"
Christmas is my favourite holiday and my favourite time of year. Therefore, every year I do or take part in things that get me in the Christmas spirit. Here is a list of things to do if the spirit hasn’t hit you yet or if you are feeling a bit 'bah humbug'. Read through the list and then try and fit the words below into the correct gaps.
Lesson by Caroline
A prefix is placed at the beginning of a word to change its meaning. For example, the suffix re- means either again or back as in return, repeat or refurbish.
The following 4 prefixes are easy to confuse because they all have a negative meaning.
The prefix un means not, reverse action, deprive of, release from. For example, unable or unfair.
Below is a small text about a 10 year old girls experience on a trip to Disneyland. However, some of the text is missing. All the verbs below fit into the text but they must be changed to past simple.
Have you ever been to a theme park like Disneyland, how was it?
Remember to change these words to past simple.
For the second year in a row, a hip-hop artist has the _1_ nominations in the Grammy Awards.
Kanye West got seven nominations, but has been ignored in the Album of the Year category. He's nominated for his Watch the Throne album with Jay-Z and also picked other nominations, including Song of the Year, for "All of the Lights," which _2_ Rihanna, Fergie and Kid Cudi.
Studying can be very stressful and when you have been doing it for a while, you may find yourself unable to concentrate very well. Meditation has a number of benefits and could be an interesting way to support your learning process. Here is a small article with a few of the benefits of meditation, but some of the words are missing. Can you fill the gaps with the correct words?
If you are studying at our London centre I strongly recommend The LondonBuddhist Centre in Bethnal Green.
I have a head full of trivia.
I don't know why this should be, but it's true. Random facts and useless bits of information seem to stick around in my memory like nobody's business, to be recalled instantly whenever the need arises. The problem is, of course, that the need never really arises. Nobody has ever - not once - asked me why vampires can't see their reflections in mirrors, for example, and it's really difficult to crowbar such a topic into everyday conversation. Which is a shame, because it's quite interesting really.
There are lots of adjectives in English that we can convert into nouns by using 'ness'. A noun ending in 'ness' literally means the state of the original adjective.
For example, hungriness means ‘the state of being hungry. Below are ten sentences which require a noun ending in 'ness'.
Look at the adjectives below and guess which one goes in each sentence. Then add 'ness' and change spelling when needed.
Good luck!
Lesson by Caroline
I found this news quite surprising, as I have always thought that sending a child to boarding school would be much more expensive than other alternatives.
A boarding school is a school where some or all pupils study and live away from their family.
In USA schools, pizza is now a vegetable!
What did you eat for lunch when you were in school? Could you buy something _1_ to eat in the school cafeteria?