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I like to watch English movies, but they are difficult for me to understand. What is the best way to learn English from movies? Is there a good movie I should watch to help me learn?

Movie Lesson: Love Guru

Average: 1.6 (197 votes)

Business English: video presentation and questions

Average: 2.5 (347 votes)


Movie Lesson - Hellboy 2

Average: 2 (377 votes)

 Watch the trailer to Hellboy 2 and then complete the sentences.

Video Lesson 'Batman: The Dark Knight'

Average: 1.8 (365 votes)

 Check out this trailer for the new Batman film and complete the sentences.

Music Lesson - Rihanna 'Take a Bow'

Average: 1.8 (355 votes)

Listen to 'Take a Bow' by Rihanna and then complete the missing lyrics below.

Movie Lesson - Forgetting Sarah Marshall

Average: 1.8 (167 votes)

Watch this trailor for the movie Forgetting Sarah  Marshall then answer the multiple choice questions and finally click on 'show transcript' to read what was said.

Music Video Lesson - Don McClean 'American Pie'

Average: 1.9 (333 votes)

Music Video Lesson - Coldplay 'The Scientist'

Average: 2 (193 votes)