'Which do you prefer tea or coffee?'
In general use
There are different ways we can ask about preferences. To ask about people’s general tastes or preferences we can use one of the following. They all have the same meaning:
Which do you prefer tea or coffee?
I prefer tea to coffee.
Which do you prefer drinking tea or coffee?
I prefer drinking tea to coffee.
Which do you prefer to drink tea or coffee? (Notice: prefer to + present simple)
I prefer to drink tea than coffee.
Which do you like better tea or coffee?
I like tea better than coffee.
Do you prefer tea or coffee?
I prefer tea to coffee.
At a specific time
Imagine that a friend is visiting your home. You offer to make them a drink. You ask:
Would you prefer tea or coffee?
Tea, please.
Unreal situations
For unreal situations we use ‘would’:
Unfortunately, there is no chance that you will marry Brad Pitt or Johnny Depp. It is an unreal situation, so we ask (Notice that 'rather' is always followed by a verb'):
Would you rather marry Brad Pitt or Johnny Depp?
I’d rather marry Johnny Depp than Brad Pitt. I think he’s sexier!
Another example of this would be:
Would you rather be a bird or a dolphin?
I’d rather be a bird than a dolphin because I don’t like fish!
Negative answers
Would you rather marry Brad Pitt or Johnny Depp?
I’d rather not marry either. I’d rather marry David Beckham.
Would you rather be a bird or a dolphin?
I’d rather not be either. I'd rather be a cow.
Now complete the sentences using the correct word:
( go to 'Wh...questions' practice )
(How to use passives)
(How to use 'used to' for past habits)
- Would you ___ to meet at 6 or 7?